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An Easy Guide To Getting PIP Certification!

An Easy Guide To Getting PIP Certification - MAZE Consultancy


Partner in protection or PIP is a way of cooperation of private industry with the government to enhance border security and build capacity to prevent organized crime and terrorism. It also raises awareness of customs compliance issues and helps fight against smuggling.

Under the PIP program, private organizations work with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) which is similar to the American  Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT)Any organization looking to take up PIP will have to sign a partnership agreement with CBSA. When applying for PIP certification, organizations must assess their security system to find its flaws and dents. Once the prospective partner submits the application, CBSA will look over it to see if there are any deficiencies and then look to remedy them. So how do we know so much about PIP?

Maze Consultancy provides top-notch solutions for businesses, and one of our most popular amongst the Logistic industry is PIP certification. Due to our line of work, we often encounter questions like “How do you get a PIP certificate?” and “How do you qualify for PIP certification?” Well, don’t worry. We got you covered. Here is a complete guide that you can follow to get a PIP certificate. So without any further delay, let’s begin!

Why Get A PIP Certification?

As PIP member one can get plenty of advantages when operating their business. The benefits CBSA provides to PIP members are:

– You will be recognized as a Trusted Trader whenever you reach the border, guaranteed to save you time.

– PIP members receive a reduced risk score which means a lower examination rate at the border, allowing them to market themselves as a secure, low-risk, Trusted Trader.

– As PIP member, it also makes you eligible to be part of FAST program, meaning that you will have access to FAST lanes to cross the border into Canada. 

– A PIP member is eligible for the Courier Low-Value Shipment (LVS) program. That means you can save time as this program streamlines the processing of low-value shipments.

PIP members also have access to CBSA’s awareness sessions, providing practical value for people looking to protect their business and other aspects of their organization. CBSA provides its complete expertise and notifies members of the latest smuggling trends, opportunities for exchanging information, program requirements, and how you can improve your security. As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to get a PIP certificate. So the next step is to determine whether you are eligible for it. So let’s dive in and see whether you qualify to get a PIP certificate!

Who Can Apply For PIP Memberships?

To get a PIP certificate as a Carrier (Trucking Company), you must meet a few criteria.

– The first one is that you have to own or operate facilities that are involved with the cross-border movement of commercial goods.

– It would be best if you were solvent and cannot have any unresolved debts to the Crown or undischarged bankruptcy.

– In addition, PIP members must have a clean record with no convictions under the Criminal Code of Canada or any other federal or provincial legislation.

To get a PIP certificate, you cannot have any significant contraventions under the Customs Act or any of its regulations and also must meet the PIP security profile’s minimum security requirements (MSRs) unless provided with special consideration by the CBSA. So these are the criteria you need to meet, but that’s not all. So you must be wondering who are allowed to apply for PIP certification? The following organizations are eligible to apply for PIP certification:

– Commercial carriers in the highway, rail, marine, and/or air modes of transport (including couriers)

– Importers

– Exporters

– Freight forwarders

– Warehouse operators (including marine terminal operators)

– Customs brokers

– Shipping agents

How To Apply For PIP Certification Program?

You will need a Government of Canada credential to get into the Trusted Trader Portal. It allows organizations to communicate with online government programs and services securely. After that, you must complete a security profile and submit detailed physical, infrastructural, and procedural security measures relating to your organization.  Once the risk assessment is successful, a CBSA officer will visit you on the site to verify the information provided in the security profile. If you pass the on-site evaluation, your PIP membership will be approved.

Become A PIP Member

So there you go, that concludes our easy guide on “how to get a PIP certification?”

As you can see, the upsides are enormous, and you also get to help your community while protecting your business. At Maze Consultancy, we have experts who have years of experience in PIP, CSA, and FAST Certification programs. Contact MAZE Consultancy today at 9058262919 or visit the following page to get more information regarding CTPAT, PIP and CSA Certification.

CTPAT Certification : https://www.mazeconsultancy.com/ctpat-certification/

PIP Certification : https://www.mazeconsultancy.com/pip-certification/

CSA Certification : https://www.mazeconsultancy.com/csa-certification/

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