What is CTPAT?
CTPAT, or the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, is a voluntary partnership program established by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Its aim is to enhance international supply chain security by collaborating with businesses to implement best practices that strengthen the overall security of the global trade network.
Obtaining CTPAT certification in Canada and the USA enhances border security and supports your cross-border trade strategies. This program, in partnership with the US CBP, offers numerous advantages to participants, including hassle-free access to Free and Secure Trade (FAST) lanes at US-CANADA borders.
CTPAT certifications are very important for a faster, hassle-free, and secured border crossing. Call 9058262919 to speak to our CTPAT Consultant for more info regarding CTPAT compliance and CTPAT requirements by US CBP. By becoming CTPAT certified you not only support the US and Canadian government’s fight against terrorism but also increase your businesses’ efficiency and profitability.
How does CTPAT Work?
In the trade community, where time holds huge importance, inadequate or poor security while exporting goods could be detrimental to your business. Thus it is very important for you to know the security gaps within your organization with the professional assistance of Maze Consultancy and become CPTAT certified!
As a partner, you’ll work with US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to ensure the integrity of the supply chain and keep your supply chain safe and secure. When you become CTPAT certified in Canada and USA, you’ll help out CBSA (Canad Border Service Agency) and U.S. CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) by allowing them to focus on more important and riskier transport companies and routes.US CBP and CBSA officers consider CTPAT partners to be low-risk, so you’re less likely to get hassled by timely examinations at port-of-entries and border crossings.
At Maze Consultancy we provide support to all businesses across the USA and Canada with CTPAT Certification, Validation, Annual Review, External Audit, and of course the best CTPAT Training Course in Canada and the USA. Call Maze Consultancy at 905-826-2919 to get FAST (CTPAT, PIP and CSA) certified and enjoy hassle-free border crossings and international trade advantage with the USA, Mexico, and Canada.
Check our CTPAT Training schedule for the upcoming months!
A Joint Effort To Amplify Supply Chain Growth & Border Security
Founded shortly after the September 11th terrorist attacks, CTPAT has grown today to more than 11,000 certified partners. These include everything from importers/exports, highway carriers, customs brokers, and everyone else in the transport and logistics industry (which includes over 50 percent of all businesses!)
Maze Consultancy can help you become member of CTPAT program and put you on an expedited Certification program. For a readiness assessment and more info contact us now at 905-826-2919 or +1 888 315 6293. You can also write to us at info@mazeconsultancy.com.